
Case study

Strategic relocation: Bringing entities together to strengthen collaboration




Organisational transformation


Table of Contents

A propos du client

As a financial services provider, this client is the market leader in its country of origin. It benefits from its strong presence in many different countries and as such is considered a point of reference in the European field of banking. The company has formed part of the Luxembourg business community for over 40 years and currently employs around 150 people in the Luxembourg subsidiary.

In order to enhance its image and demonstrate its loyalty to the country, the Group decided to have a new headquarter building erected in the Cloche d’Or area and thus regroup all employees in one unique building.  

Le context

Top management sees the move to a modern new building with state of the art equipement as an opportunity to accelerate changes with respect to digitalisation and ways of working.

In addition to this, the employees have to adapt to several major changes affecting their transport, a reduced number of parking spaces, working in open space areas and adapting to a new environment shared with other subsidiaries.

All the office furniture was replaced, providing only limited storage for each department.

The building comprises a wide variety of diferent meeting rooms and working spaces shared with the other subsidiaries.

La Mission de MindForest

MindForest was mandated to accompany the preparation of the move and to optimise the move experience for the 150 employees. This involved:

Identifying resistance

and needs

Implementing a governance structure

to coordinate the defined measures

Supporting document archiving

and sorting

Communicating all relevant information

concerning the construction and preparation of the new work spaces


the new internal work guidelines

Accompanying the employees

during the move and when they arrived at the new building

Welcoming employees

and guiding them to their new work spaces

Measuring satisfaction

and identifying any necessary corrective measures

Les Méthodologies Activées

ICAP barometer: to gain regular insights into information, communication, support and participation levels among all employees

Creation of a dedicated newsletter for the move: 4 special editions

Implementation of a network of move contacts

Organisation of an online auction accompanied by a humourous communication campaign.

Creation of a Welcome Book, including comprehensive details about the new building

Creation of posters to explain and promote the new working guidelines

Creation of a series of communication campaigns: e.g. to promote awareness of the clean desk and meeting organization strategies using posters and amusing videos

Les Résultats de la Mission

with respect to the internal communication strategy.

from the moment they arrived at their new offices.

among employees and managers.

to the new guidelines on minimising the use of printed documents.

on the walls to enhance employee well-being in their new offices.

Les Principaux Facteurs de Succès

A good level of interaction with our client contacts:

fluid communication and information exchanges are primordial for the success of this type of project.


for example concerning the wide range of different communication channels – from posters to videos – often with an amusing aspect to attract attention in a world of information overload.

A high level of reactivity:

deadlines were frequently adjusted. Such information had to be communicated very rapidly to avoid rumours and maintain confidence levels.

Risk identification and alerts:

employee opinions were gathered before, during and after the move to identify their needs and expectations.

The comprehensive move brochure

distributed the day before the move was particularly appreciated and helped to reduce stress levels.

La prochaine histoire à succès est la vôtre !

Do you have plans to relocate your offices?
[1] Footnote 1 [2] Footnote 2 [3] Footnote 3


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